Sep 4Liked by Mieke Marple

I read this again. It’s poignant and provocative. The tension between light and dark, good and bad, community and disunity constitutes a fundamental rhythm in our lives. Birth is the cause of our death. Go figure!

Your notes teaches us that human expertise and happiness reside in the choices we make. Do I choose to engage and live in darkness or in light, in the joy of my birth or in the fear of my death… a choice presented dozens of times a day in circumstances great and small.

Thank you for this powerful reminder about how awake I must be to walk in the light!


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wow Greg!!! I'm so happy you're sharing your comments here too so that everyone can read and appreciate the wisdom that I am fortunate enough to receive as your sponsee :)

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Sep 1Liked by Mieke Marple

As I have shared with you before: “the mighty sword of faith is useless in the hand of a coward.” (Nichiren). This courageous note shows real faith in yourself and so helps all of us find courage in our own lives. Thank you, Mieke. (Plus: your writing is a joy by itself!)

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awww thank you for saying that Greg! (Especially about the writing)

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Sep 1Liked by Mieke Marple

Nicely said. I am positive you are not the only one that feels that way.

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aww thank you <3 <3 <3

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Sep 1Liked by Mieke Marple

'Wrong in facts, but right in feelings' — yes! Social media can make anyone feel like they've been singled out for the punishment of arbitrary attention-deprivation. Like children told to sit in the corner, wondering what they did wrong. Thank you for putting into words how this experience felt.

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aww thank you for this thoughtful response. and I know... it's such a weird aspect of contemporary life

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Very insightful and relatable! Thank you for sharing your vulnerability with this process <3

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awww thank you for holding my hand during this process

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